
A meetup about modern browser technology and the things people build with it.

We’re talking WebAssembly, WebRTC, WebGL, WebGPU, WebSockets, WebCodecs, WebTransport, Web-everything.


Date Thursday, January 26, 2023
Time 6:30pm – 9:00pm
Location 8VC, Pier 5, Suite 101, San Francisco, CA
RSVPs for this event are closed. Subscribe to the Browsertech Digest to be notified when event recordings go up and future events are announced.


Gabriela Trueba

Gabriela TruebaWomp

Gabriela Trueba is the founder CEO of Womp. Formerly an artist and designer, Trueba worked in the NY art-world, where she encountered 3D for the first time and fell in love with the vision of a future where 3D technology will revolutionize design. After teaching herself how to 3D, and experiencing first hand the steep barriers to entry to 3D technology for creatives like herself, she set out on a journey to democratize 3D creation, and ultimately build Womp.

Hamilton Ulmer

Hamilton UlmerRill Data

Hamilton Ulmer is the head of application engineering at Rill Data, which is a conversation-fast data analysis & dashboarding tool. He was previously at Mozilla, where he worked as a software engineer and data scientist.


Web browsers have become an operating system in their own right. As developers push the limits of the browser, a new category of software development is emerging, distinct from both traditional web development and desktop app development.

We call this nascent field browsertech. We’ve talked to developers across different industries who face the same challenges and re-discover the same patterns. We realized it’s high time to get folks together to share knowledge and build a browsertech community.

Subscribe to the Browsertech Digest for browsertech news and events.

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